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Retinitis Pigmentosa


色素性视网膜炎(RP)是一组影响视网膜的遗传性眼病的一部分. 视网膜是一层薄薄的组织,包含数百万条排列在眼睛后部的光敏神经. Light rays focus onto the retina, 它们在哪里被传输到大脑,然后变成你看到的图像. 在RP中,视网膜细胞逐渐停止工作并最终死亡. In most cases, the condition first affects the peripheral rod cells, which allow you to see at night, and later affects the central cone cells, responsible for fine detail and color vision.

RP会导致永久性视力丧失,这通常会在数年内缓慢发生. Some people with RP become blind, 但大多数患有这种疾病的人都保留了一定程度的有用视力. If you have RP, 有50%到60%的可能性,你的家人也有这种情况.

Our approach to retinitis pigmentosa

加州大学旧金山分校的眼科十大赌博平台排行榜为所有类型的眼病提供全面的评估和护理, from the most common to the rare and complex. We are experts in inherited eye diseases, such as RP.

Although RP currently has no treatments, researchers at UCSF and elsewhere are working to develop them. 感兴趣的患者可以通过参加临床试验来接受实验性治疗. 一项大型研究发现,维生素A可能对一些RP患者有一点好处, and we do provide advice on vitamin therapy. 我们也治疗其他由RP引起的眼部问题,比如白内障和视网膜肿胀. Low-vision aids, 活动训练和其他支持性护理可以帮助患者完成日常任务.

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    Best in Northern California and No. 9 in the nation for ophthalmology

Signs & symptoms

Symptoms of RP usually develop between the ages of 10 and 30, although some people experience symptoms during childhood. 症状因视网膜受影响的部位而异. RP是一种进行性疾病,但视力恶化的速度因人而异. 最终,大多数患有这种疾病的人的视野都非常有限.

In general, a person's rod cells are first affected by RP. 杆状细胞帮助周围(侧)视觉和在昏暗的光线或黑暗的地方看到东西. The first symptom is often "night blindness," which is difficulty seeing in dim light, such as in a darkened room or outdoors at dusk. Healthy eyes naturally adapt to dark light, 但受RP影响的眼睛需要更长的时间才能做到这一点,或者完全不做. 有些人还会被阳光或强光的眩光所困扰.

周边视力问题也是RP的常见早期症状. 周边视觉是你看到的侧面,而不是正前方.

In some people, the central cone cells are affected first, 这种疾病被称为锥杆营养不良症(CRD),而不是RP. Central cone cells help with central vision, which is needed for detailed tasks such as reading, writing, driving, discriminating colors and seeing other fine details clearly.


A series of tests are available to confirm a diagnosis of RP. These include:

  • Dilated eye exam. During a dilated eye exam, you are given special eye drops to dilate your pupils, 让你的眼科十大赌博平台排行榜清楚地看到你眼睛后面的视网膜. 这些眼药水会让你暂时对光敏感,导致你的视力模糊.
  • Retinal photograph. 一种特殊的照相机可以用来拍摄视网膜的照片, which help to track the progression of your RP. 这可能包括用一种叫做OCT(光学相干断层扫描)的相机拍摄视网膜厚度的照片,这种相机使用微弱的红光.
  • Fluorescein angiography. A test called fluorescein angiography 也可以建议获得更详细的视网膜图像.
  • Visual field test. A visual field test 用来判断你的周边视力是否受到影响.
  • Electro-diagnostic tests. Electro-diagnostic tests such as electroretinogram (ERG), 可能建议使用眼电图(EOG)和多焦视网膜电图(mfERG)来调查您的视网膜是如何工作的. 在不同的照明十大赌博靠谱网络平台下测量视网膜的电活动,以确定视网膜的哪一部分功能不正常. 大多数这些测试需要你的眼睛放大(如上所述),并且经常在每只眼睛上使用一个硬隐形眼镜来测量眼睛对不同光线的反应.


At this time, 目前还没有治愈或治疗RP或相关视网膜疾病的慢性视力丧失的方法. However, RP sometimes causes other eye problems that can be treated, such as cataracts or swelling in the retina. 研究正在加州大学旧金山分校和十大赌博平台排行榜各地进行,目的是开发有效的治疗方法. Gene therapy, 干细胞疗法和生长因子作为RP的潜在治疗方法正在进行科学试验.

In addition, a large clinical trial completed in the U.S. 1993年的研究表明维生素A对视觉功能有很小的积极作用, and that vitamin E has a negative effect. 抗盲基金会和美国国家眼科研究所建议,一些患有RP的成年人应该每天服用15毫克,000国际单位的维生素A棕榈酸酯补充和避免高剂量维生素E,以帮助延长他们的视力. Your ophthalmologist will discuss vitamin therapy with you.

Visual aids and adaptations around the home and at work, 来自社会服务和视觉康复专家的培训可以帮助那些RP患者. 拜访遗传咨询师也很重要,他们可以讨论疾病遗传并帮助计划生育, 职业选择和其他与生活相关的问题.

加州大学旧金山分校健康医学专家已经审查了这些信息. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

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